A unique organic, ergonomic and futuristic Design.

For a sustainable environment beneficial to future generations. The future is now!

An Art & Technology environment for all!

A concept giving a cultural dimension to urban planning.

Animated by the concern of teaching and learning through play. A win-win concept!

Educational games, sports and rest areas for the young and the older people.

Artistic and technical objectives.

ARTOTEC is also an organization of experts in the fields of technology, science and art
that aims to promote the creation of new playgrounds and outdoor equipment for children and adults.

An improvement of public spaces serving the people!

A range of products recognized as artistic, aesthetic, durable, modern, colourful and of high quality
to create playgrounds and rest areas in any outdoor environment, accessible to all, adults and younger people alike.

An art project and served by innovative technology!

Serving local communities, contractors, architectural firms, landscapers and designers of urban spaces.

Following the concept of Universal Design!

Our products, both close at hand, fit perfectly in dedicated environments enhancing the grounds in which they are set.
They form a permanent feature by their existence.

Safety and sustainable!

If You wish to meet safety requirements while avoiding risks and maximizing security, quality and
safety guidelines and meet the requirements of the official guidelines for playground equipment and street furniture,then
ARTOTEC will meet your expectations!

A question, a need?

Conditions and delivery terms?
Catalog, technical features, range of colours, complementary information?
CAD drawings for orientation and space safety requirements?
Photographic documentation for publication?
Planning an exhibition or a seminar?
Knowing our recommendations?

Contact us right away by
Email: info@artotec.org
or call: int. + 46 (0)8 551 701 77
Mob: int. + 46 (0)70 22 37 842
Skype: artotec.ab

We will respond as soon as possible and support you in your project.

Place your order Online

© Exclusive rights ARTOTEC AB

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Our references!

ARTOTEC AB designs, develops, manufactures and markets playful, recreational sculptures and street furniture accessible, solid and durable, easy to use and easy to install.
Attractive equipment for relaxing environments, playground spaces and semi-sports activities for all ages.

ARTOTEC will help you through the process of installation from the study of the site to the final installation of your product. At the implementation phase, ARTOTEC will assist you in the development and installation of your project. From the reception of your equipment to the performance check. The aim is to ensure, measure and optimize the quality of your installation while maintaining the security of its equipment and ensuring the respect for the environment.

We are continually developing new products, playground equipment, street furniture tailored to the needs and requirements of the user, installer and developer of urban and outdoor spaces such as garages for bicycles, papper bin, lighting , fountains, ground games. All with a distinctive character and identity, a concept, an expression [Art & Technology] in its own.

ARTOTEC collaborates with architects, local authorities, local contractors, architectural firms, landscape and urban spaces designers internationally renowned.

Together, we drafted and made public spaces and playgrounds and rest area, both modern and attractive, with great respect to user needs and expectations, specifications and regulations in force, and also as to make them easily accessible to all, both people with and without physical disability and also for architects, developers, planners and installers.

Effective methods combined with expertise and quality of our equipment and our services.

There is much to do especially when cities grow and common facilities are damages in standardized, regularly vandalized.

New solutions, new challenges, new approaches tending towards a sustainable and harmonious.

Our equipment has been developed and tested in collaboration with research laboratories, universities and institutions internationally renowned.

ARTOTEC is actively engaged on issues of sustainability and the products of our manufacturers comply with European environmental standards and requirements as our ambitious environmental policy.

Fo more informations Contact us ! today, for advice, a project, a consultation or suggestion.

Some choosen reference project

FITTJA (Stockholm) - Sweden

Project: SPIREL 1
Architecture of the 1970 in transformation
Location: Krögarvägen, Fittja, Stockholm
Architect: Chet Kanra
Ordering by: Botkyrkabyggen AB
Project manager: Berg & Väg Maskin AB, company PEAB
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SÖDERTÄLJE (Stockholm) - Sweden

Project: Recreational sculptures with Art & Technology
Location: Center of Geneta, Södertälje, Stockholm
Architects: Kerstin Fogelberg - Anna Persson
Ordering by: City of Södertälje
Project manager: NCC
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PARIS - France

Project: Ellipse Spiralique de Versailles
Location: Parc des Expositions, porte de Versailles, Paris
Architects: Nicolas Adam Studio, Jean-Gabriel Valentini
Ordering by: VI-Paris
Project manager: Unibail - Socotec
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Project: Main entrance to the FUB and RBU
headquarters and adult school in Gothenburg
FUB (The Swedish National Association for Persons with Physical and Intellectual Disability)
RBU (The Swedish National Association for Disabled Children and Young People)
Location: Lillatorpsgatan 10, Göteborg
Ordering by: FUB Göteborg - Ideell förening
Project manager: ROBUSTA AB
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Proposal conception rest and play area
with [Art & Technology]
Location: Moderna Muséet, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm
Intendent: Karin Malmquist
Ordering by: Moderna Muséet
Project manager: Stockholms City Council
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AKALLA (Stockholm) - Sweden

Project: Saimaparken
Location: Akalla Center, Stockholm
Architect: Jean-Louis Dessalles (Stockholm City Council)
Funkia AB
Ordering by: Stockholm City Council
Project manager: Björnentreprenad AB
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ÄLTA (Stockholm) - Sweden

Project: LOBÉLIAN i SÖDRA HEDVIGSLUND (Stockholm/Nacka/Älta) Playground
Recreational sculptures with Art & Technology
Location: Södra Hedvigslund (Stockholm/Nacka)
HUS 1-5, Radhus 6-17
Architect: NOVAMARK AB
Ordering by: SMÅA HUS AB
Project manager: S46 Mark-&-Väg AB
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PARIS - France

Bench WAITING-POINT at DISNEYLAND, Paris (special designed by ARTOTEC) revisited by Stéphane Poulain CREATHOME
Location: EURO DISNEY Marnes La Vallée, Paris, France
Architects : Stéphane Poulain, CREATHOME with DISNEYLAND conception & development (USA and France) .
Project manager: Eurobollard and SARL C.NET77
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MALMÖ - Sweden

Project: Rotating chair ZICKI at the municipal public swimming pool at Hyllie Malmö City (Malmö City Council, Sweden)
Location: Badhusparken at Hylliebadet, MALMÖ
Architects: Susanna Kapusta (M S) / ATKINS AB
Ordering by: MALMÖ STAD City Council
Project manager: AKEA AB
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FALUN - Sweden

Project : Guldstigen, Playground
Location: Kvartstigen parken, Falun City
Architect: Lorena Diaz WSP Group
Ordering by: FALUN STAD
Project manager: K-Mark i Dalarna AB
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Project : Public place Mariaplan Torg at Kungsladugård
Architect: Trafikontoret Göteborgs Stad City Council
Ordering by: GOTHENBURG City Council urban development. Trafikontoret
Project manager: WSP Group
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Location: Bordeaux, France
Architect: Arnaud Pelletier
Ordering by: Brettes Paysage S.A.S
Project manager: Brettes Paysage S.A.S
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FITTJA (Stockholm) - Sweden

Project : SPIREL 2
Location: Värdhusvägen - Etapp 3
Architect: Josef Lantz
Ordering by: Botkyrkabyggen AB
Project manager: PEAB
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LUND - Sweden

Project: SPIRIT
Location: Lund Stadsbibliotek
Architect: Lisa Östman
Ordering by: City of Lund
Project manager: Stadsbyggnadskontoret
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Project: SPIREN I
Location: Humlegården
Architect: Anna Nilsson, Taggen Miljö Landskap AB
Ordering by: Liselotte Tempel, City of Stockholm
Project manager: Förvaltare Normalms stadsdelsforvaltning
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PARMA - Italy

Project: Avanti “SBI” - Il teorema
Location: Area Gioco Bimbi
Architect: Dott. Arch. Simona Rossi, Studio Rossi
Ordering by: City of Parma
Project manager: Gestione del progetto
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Project : Espiral orgánico
Location: Gaudi, Parque Güell
Architect: Ismael Harrak
Ordering by: City of Barcelona
Project manager: Martinox
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Project: Aire de jeu , de motions , de repos et de plaisirs
Location: Rue de l´Église
Architect: Richard Frances
Ordering by: City of Saint Martin
Project manager: Service des Espaces Verts
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Project: Nya Norra Kajen
Location: Norra Kajen
Architects : Ingela Näslund, Annika Person, Tema Landskapsarkitekter
Ordering by: City of Sundsvalls
Project manager: Stadsbyggnadskontoret, Mark- och Exploateringsavdelningen
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Project: "SBI La Spirale Bincentrique d´Iriarte au Centre du Monde"
Location: Nouvelle gare de Perpignan
Architect: L35, Jos Galán
Ordering by: L35
Project manager: METROVACESA S.A
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PARIS - France

Project: LA SPIRETTE des deux Mondes
Location: Place du Trocadéro
Architects: Livinec Emeric, Nicolas Lefebvre
Ordering by: SETE - Société d´exploitation de la Tour Eiffel
Project manager: Paris stad
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LUDVIKA - Sweden

Project: Spiran
Location: Kvarteren LAKEN
Architect: Marie Persson Landskapsingenjör
Ordering by: City of Ludvika
Project manager: Tekniska kontoret - Arbetsavdelningen Park
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PIPRIAC - France

Project: Sale des Sports des Terres Rouges
Location: Pipriac
Architect: Mairie de PIPRIAC
Ordering by: City of PIPRIAC
Project manager: City Equip Ouest
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Location: Parc Jean Jaurès
Architect: David Izik, section Haine-Saint-Paul
Ordering by: City of La Louvière
Project manager: Service des Espaces Verts & Plantations
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Location: Rue des Sports
Architect: Daniel Masse, section Haine-Saint-Paul
Ordering by: City of La Louvière
Project manager: SA Espaces Verts Masse & Fils
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Triq Tal Hamrija M´Scala - Malta

Project: SPIRELA
Location: Earl´s Court No 5
Architect: Robert Bondin Carter
Ordering by: Triq Tal Hamrija M´Scala
Project manager: Hermes Ent.
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Project: Proposal benches at the graveyard
Location: Skogskyrkogården
Architect: Pär Westin
Ordering by: Stockholms kyrkogårdsförvaltning
Project manager: Stockholms City Council
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BUENOS AIRES - Argentina

Project: Espacio, paseo comercial, en el
Location: Centro de Buenos Aires.
Architect: Fernanda Corrao
Ordering by: City of Buenos Aires
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Project: SPIROL, torgområde
Location: City of GENETA
Architects: Désirée Johansson, Taggen Miljö och Landskap AB
Ordering by: Mia Rytterlund, Graflundsfastighet AB
Project manager: Markägare och förvaltare
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FITTJA (Stockholm) - Sweden

Location: Rekreationsplats ~ Panorama ~ Värdshusvägen
Architects: Nina Carlsson, Ulrika Persson
Ordering by: Botkyrkakommun
Project manager: Tekniska Förvaltningen
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HELSINKI - Finland

Project: GH-44095710 Proposal/competition to the new GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM in Helsinki, Finland - 2014
Location: Helsinki, Finland.
Conception: ARTOTEC AB
Project manager: Solomon R. Guggenheim - Foundation
Ordering by: City of Helsinki Council, Finland
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HELSINKI - Finland

Project: GH-44095710 Proposal/competition to the new GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM in Helsinki, Finland - 2014
Location: Helsinki, Finland.
Conception: ARTOTEC AB
Project manager: Solomon R. Guggenheim - Foundation
Ordering by: City of Helsinki Council, Finland
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HELSINKI - Finland

Project: GH-44095710 Proposal/competition to the new GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM in Helsinki, Finland - 2014
Location: Helsinki, Finland.
Conception: ARTOTEC AB
Project manager: Solomon R. Guggenheim - Foundation
Ordering by: City of Helsinki Council, Finland
To read more ...

Our partners

City Equip Ouest, qualified installer, representation throughout France.

Hellopro, Procurement Specialist for local communities.

TéchniCité, The Journal for Local Authorities

ArchiExpo, Permanent virtual exhibition of architecture and design, linking direct suppliers and buyers worldwide.

Les paysagistes specialist and professional in landscaping and urban development .

Different for any other project, please visit our partner IdealDevis to recieve Quotes work.

Architectes Sans Frontières International

Association of Professional Landscape Designers

World Architecture specialist in professional landscape and urban planning .

ARTOTEC´s products a higher value!

Create recreational environments and public spaces safe, attractive, enjoyable and stimulating impact on the following Community objectives:

Growth and developement with regard to the development of outdoor environments. Our equipment amplify the social cohesion in a sustainable manner the municipality or community.
The development of spaces for both children, adolescents or adults, will mark the proper planning at all.
Public health (physical or mental) that stimulates the pleasures of the game, enhances usability and invites movement.
Security adapted to new equipment, tackle better, more durable, stronger and far more attractive. A new era of quality.
Integration and diversity of characters spaces aesthetic personel varied and strengthening the identity of the site and allow for social gatherings that bring together.
Accessibility to relax for several generations, without restriction of culture, disability or age creates a de facto equality and highlights the richness of this diversity.
Older present in the area of the playground are part of the environment. A place where they can easily meet or accompany others, playing with their grandchildren and so feel integrated participant.
The proliferation of vandalism, curbed by a citizen project beneficial to the creation and development of all.

High-quality technology products that meet all modern requirements and expectations of a modern world.

Send us a request, we will respond as soon as possible and support you in your project.

N.B.! Photos, text and proposals cannot be used, copied, reproduced or distributed without the written permission of the authors! Frédéric Iriarte (contemporary artist) and ARTOTEC AB.
© Public works photographs, designs, are protected by law Design copyright and registered organizations OHIM, BUS, ARS, STIM, ADAGP, COPYSWEDE and others [ WorldWide ].